Pokemon Adventure: Red Chapters NEW BETA+EXPANSION
❗Warning: Some of the content implemented in this ROM Hack may be considered unfit for kids. You have been warned.
Pokémon Adventures - Red Chapter
A Pokémon Fire Red v1.0 hack created by Aethestode
This hack is an adaptation of the Pokémon Adventures/Special Manga, in the eyes of Red.
It follows the story of this trainer from Pallet Town, as he embarks on his own Pokémon Journey.
Follow the adventures of Pokémon Trainer Red!
2 Rivals: Blue and Green!
Multiple regions (including Alola)!
Overhauled visuals compared to the original Pokémon Fire Red!
Playable Characters!
Character Costumes!
Character Mugshots!
Day and Night System!
The Level Cap has been raised from 100 to 255!
Reusable TMs!
Lens, an item that allows you to check the EVs and IVs of your party members!
Many, many Pokémon!
And much, much more!
Latest Version
Beta 15 + Expansion FIX C
Below is the latest Beta 15 patch (5th October, 2020)
This version contains the Kanto Region and the Orange Archipelago + The Beginning of Elite Four
This will be the final major update for Red Chapter Vol 1. Any future updates will be strictly on squashing Gamebreaking bugs. Vol 2 is under development. Patch onto a clean FireRed 1.0 run and start a new game.
NOTE: Patch onto a clean FireRed Rom and start a new savefile.
Misc. Information
Real-Time Clock Fix (mGBA)
This patch allows the Real-Time Clock implemented in this hack to work on certain emulators like mGBA.
Real-Time Clock Fix (VBA-M)
Note: These instructions were added here for the Beta 14's sake. The ROM for the Beta 15 does not work on VBA-M, and it's highly encouraged not to use it.
These instructions allow the Real-Time Clock implemented in this hack to work on VisualBoyAdvance-M
In-game Screenshots
Aethestode - Creator and sole developer of this hack, and designer of various sprites as well.
MrDollSteak - Gen. 3 ROM Base
DoesntKnowHowToPlay - ASM Routines
Darthatron - B2/W2 Repel System
Peetzaahhh - Pokémon Logo
Jambo51 - ASM Routines
JPAN - Hacked Engine
Danzen the real 1 - Sprite
Soloo993 - Trainer Sprites
Thedarkdragon11 - Gen. 7 Sprites
Computer Max/CompuMax - Coloured Badges
xSky - Spriting
C067912881 - Spriting
Blizzard - Spriting
Xerxes - Spriting
Umbralwisp - Spriting
Makotto - Spriting
LeParagon - Spriting
Suzierain - Orangean Beldum's design
TheCraigadile - Gorochu's sprite
Ruki - HP Bar
jiangzhengwenjzw - Mugshots, EV-IV Screen and Extra Movement Code
Naren Jr - Pokémon Menu
il1dan - Pokémon Type Icons
Diegoisawesome - GBA BIOS issue fix
Lunos - Grammar and Punctuation
DarkDestroyer - Grammar and Punctuation
KingofNoobs - Grammar and Punctuation
CM-sS - Grammar and Punctuation
DarkCacos - Grammar and Punctuation
PokemonAce123 - Grammar and Punctuation
Valezio - Grammar and Punctuation
Yami - Grammar and Punctuation
FBI - Team Swapping
Endrift - mGBA Real-Time Clock Fix
Avara - Format Template
Source: Pokecommunity
Useful Stuff:
As of BETA13
Obtainable pokémon list by Lunos
TMs and HMs Location List written by Lunos
Eeveevolutions' Base Stats and Abilities by ghfrc#0701
Walkthrough of the game written by Allen Ceedos
Type Effectiveness Chart made by ghfrc#0701
Check their discord for more.
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