Pokémon Uranium RPGXP Fan Game

Pokémon Uranium

Pokémon Uranium is a Fan-made project built in RPGMaker XP by JV and InvoluntaryTwitch. Over the course of 9 years, Uranium became host to a completely new region by the name of Tandor. Tandor is host to over 150 custom designed Pokemon and a new type exclusive to the region, Nuclear. Uranium 1.0 was released August 6th, 2016 but official support ceased a month later.

Near the end of September, several fans from across the Subreddit, the Wiki and the Official Forum came together to work indepedantly from the Original team. Development on the game continued and the Forum was Re-opened under a new Domain.

You could notice that the game uses assets from the Soul Silver (Heart Gold) and Diamond (Pearl Games) with the overworld and sprites. In the battle mode, it uses a more polished and less pixelated version from the Black and White (BW2) games.


Useful Links

Pokémon Uranium Website


Pokemon Uranium Walkthrough


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